Savor the Moment
Love. Joy. Kindness
Slowly I open the door to the bedroom that our two sweet boys share. I tiptoe quietly across the room past the empty bed of our 5 year old, who has already been up for hours on this dark fall morning.
Peering into the crib on the far side of the room, I see our one year old sound asleep. I rub his back before I gently lift him out of the crib. He has no interest in waking up and without openning his eyes he snuggles into me. His gentle breathing combines with the soft music on the radio playing in the room.
These are the moments I want to remember. Our lives may be full of chaos and uncertainty much of the time, but taking a few minutes to pause in the sweet moments of life can remind us just how much we have to be thankful for.
I close my eyes, take deep breath in, and memorize this moment. Intentionally noticing the feelings and sensations around me.
Often my day is consumed with worry, rushed schedules, and stressors. The practice of gratitude can be a challenging at times. Truly taking in the things that bring joy, helps to calm my day.
What moments do you want to pause and savor today?
Even on days when it’s hard to be thankful, take a moment to pause on something good and stay there for a while.
Author: Crystal