Monday Morning Blues
Anxiety, Work Struggles, You are not alone
Monday Mornings.
Enough said?
Staring at my computer screen this morning, I wonder why I seem to hate my job on Mondays. There’s this sense of dread that comes the second I wake up. I like my job. Right?
Waiting for my computer screen to turn on, I try to remember why I get up so early in the morning to tackle the long never-ending to-do lists.
What’s the point?
My mind becomes overwhelmed by the amount of emails, phone calls, voicemail messages, and stack of over-due tasks that are waiting for me.
As I continue to watch the welcome screen-saver spin, my mind begins to plot ways to decrease my work hours. Should I call in to work today? Or is a career change needed? Should I work part-time?
Maybe I am not enough.
Searching for a pen to take notes on the voicemails received over the weekend, my eyes land on a gift from a friend.
A small wooden sign that reads: Today I will be strong, brave, kind, and unstoppable. Today I will be fierce.
A subtle reminder that I chose how I approach this day. Not my to-do list, not my voicemails, not even my mood.
Quickly I use my pen to jot down the reasons that I chose to come to work this morning. I find renewed purpose in the big picture. Renewed power and control.
I take a moment to be grateful for all the blessings that come from my job, before tackling today’s work.
I am enough.
I might not be perfect. I might have overwhelming moments or days. And I will have days of unproductivity. But I am enough.
What are you showing up for today?
It is a job? Stay at home parenting? A medical appointment? An interview? Home tasks? Are you at home feeling alone? Or overwhelmed by others this morning?
You get to decide how you choose to tackle the day.
You get to decide that you are enough today. Your worth is not measured by your abilities or productivity.
Look for the hope that comes from within on this Monday morning. Make a list of what motivates you. And be at peace with tasks that go un-done today.
Author: Crystal