Joy does not equal Happiness
Love. Joy. Kindness, Marriage
As we enter the days leading up to Christmas, it can be a time of chaos, busy schedules, not enough time, and not enough energy. It can open old wounds and drag out memories you wish would stay hidden.
Yet, despite the dark shadows that cloud our vision, it can still be a time of great joy.
Joy is not the absence of pain.
During heartache, turmoil, and brokenness you can still feel intense joy. You simply must choose to get there. It won’t be easy. The things that bring the greatest joy often come with great pain.
Joy does not equal happiness.
Happiness comes from external sources. These can be positive or negative. Such as a gift from a friend, a raise at work, alcohol, drugs, or a shopping spree. Happiness is dependent on what’s happening to us. It is a temporary emotion based on our surroundings.
Joy comes from the inside. It takes intentional thinking and planning. The ability to look past the present moment and look to the bigger picture. Look for ways to improve the well-being of people. It’s the selfless acts of service. Setting your own immediate needs aside in order to make an impact later.
For me happiness is a large cup coffee, watching Gilmore Girls, or reading a book. There is nothing wrong with any of these things. They make me happy, but I don’t feel the intense feeling of joy over these external items.
The feelings of intense joy come when I look at my family. My
broken family that has been pieced back together through intense healing, work,
and selflessness. The overcoming of
imperfections and choosing to love despite heartache. It’s facing the fear of
the unknown and watching the miracles of repair and forgiveness transform.
Joy cannot be experienced without sacrifice, generosity, and patience.
Let’s give up the life of contentment and begin to seek pure, intense joy.
In what ways can you begin to show sacrificial generosity in your family or in your community? Perhaps, it’s showing kindness even when not deserved. Being generous to a stranger. Healing a relationship. Taking a step to address addiction or mental illness. It will look different for everyone. It may be hard now, but will provide lasting joy.
When you find yourself in a dark shadow, be the bright light that brings hope!
Author: Crystal