Dear Self
Self Worth, You are not alone
Dear Beautiful, Strong, & Compassionate Self,
Today you are feeling confident, valued, and productive. Today you woke up with a spring in your step and a desire to make things happen. Today you care about people and have a kind heart.
I know that this is not how you always feel. There are days that you wake up hating the world. You feel ugly, unappreciated, worthless. I want you to hear from me, the you on your good days.
This day will come and go. Whether this is a good day or a bad day, it is 24 hours. It may seem like you will feel like this forever, but I am proof that you do not always feel this way. You have good days and you have bad days like everyone else.
You do not always feel insecure and unproductive with low energy.
When the hard days come around again, I want you to remember and embrace these truths:
Emotions are good. You are allowed to feel annoyed, angry, frustrated, sad, confused. This is normal. Don’t fight or ignore them. Find helpful ways to release and feel the tough emotions. Yes, I know that you do not want to. Do it anyway.
Everyone has good days, and everyone has bad days. This is not a character flaw. You cannot be at your best every day and that does not make you less worthy or capable
You will not always feel this way. I know that it feels never-ending, but it will end. Bad days come, and they leave.
Listen to you body. Your strong emotions are telling you something. Slow down, listen to what your body needs. Rest, take breaks, reflect. Do not feel guilty about your breaks, rest and reflection lead to better mood and productivity.
Let others in. You may need time for solitude, quiet, and personal reflection. After you have allowed yourself to process, let others in. Community and connection are important even on the days that you feel tired and unworthy.
At the end of the day, be proud that you accomplished another day of strong emotion. I know that it is not easy and you did it!
Every day ends, make the most of this day. Even the pain has a great purpose in the bigger picture of life.
The You on Your Good Days.
Author: Crystal