Sign of True Strength
Love. Joy. Kindness
Natural reaction to an infuriating moment is to yell, retaliate, or seek justice.
They deserve it. They have to learn from their mistakes somehow. Right?
When you stop to think about it, does yelling or pay back ever actually make us feel better or solve the problem?
It is often encouraged, and even rewarded, to demand our way, seek justice, and manipulate the situation to better our odds. The person that can strong arm the opponent to get their way is viewed as the victor. The one with the most strength.
The person that is kind and humble is viewed as weak. They may be described as a push over with no back bone.
However, is kindness really the weak choice?
It’s easy to give in to our human nature and go down the path of selfishness. Our basic human nature prompts us to look out for our own wellbeing and use our power for our own benefit.
Anyone can react and respond to a situation with anger or revenge. It doesn’t take much effort to give into the natural emotions.
The real challenge is offering grace to the hardest to love, forgiveness to the person that hurt you the most, and kindness to someone that is undeserving. The challenge is to overcome your gut reaction and choose to be kind always.
Kindness takes intentional planning, rational thinking, and a desire to make an impact on others.
The sign of true strength is found in the person that can stand with confidence, allow the gut reaction emotion to settle, and let kindness to take over.
The next time you are faced with a situation that produces that gut reaction of negative emotions, try replacing it with kindness.
When someone cuts in front of you in the check-out line, take a deep breath and respond with a smile. If your stubborn child is on his or her 17th tantrum of the day, tell them that you love them. When a co-worker is struggling at work, give them a helping hand or words of encouragement.
The next argument you have with your spouse or significant other be the first to apologize. If you fail at a task, give yourself grace and a reminder that no one is perfect.
You will notice that your kindness will warm your heart and health thinking will fill your mind. Make kindness a lifestyle not a one-time act.
How can you take steps to shift from emotional reaction to practical kindness? In what ways can you start to practice being intentionally kind in your every day life?
It is not an easy task and it may seem daunting. Showing consistent kindness is not for the meek, it is the greatest form of strength.
Author: Crystal