When It’s Hard to be Thankful
MH Awareness, Thankfulness
Some seasons of life are harder to navigate then others. It’s easy to be thankful when life is a smooth ride with no wind or waves blocking our view.
But what about the rocky seasons? The days that the wind is knocking you over and a cycle of waves are pushing you in every direction. The days that it’s hard to stand; let alone find time to be grateful.
Our natural human tendency will allow us to be engulfed by the pain that surrounds us. Human nature will allow all sorts of hardships to control our mind.
Fear, guilt, worry, anger, loneliness, heartache.
Negative thoughts or feelings can be debilitating especially when ignored. Standing in the middle of the wind and waves with no strength to stop the movement can leave us feeling drained and numb to the beauty that is around us.
Just as the wind and waves will calm, so will the storms of life. Sometimes we must wait it out.
In the meantime, emotions allow pain to be released from our body and should be celebrated. We can use this release to gain traction when enduring a difficult season.
Take a moment today to acknowledge the emotions you are feeling.
Are you feeling lonely? Like no one cares?
Are you feeling overwhelmed by life?
Guilty about choices you made?
Misunderstood? Heartbroken? Worried? Afraid?
Acknowledge your emotions and then slowly release the pain that is blocking your view. Look past the wind and the waves and search for the strength inside.
Look toward the source of your strength. You cannot change your season, but you can change how you approach it.
You cannot stop the emotions from coming, but you can change how you view them. Be thankful for emotions today. Embrace them as a way to release the pain. Allow yourself to truly feel and observe each emotion that arises in you and envision the pain leaving your body with each breath.
Use your spirit of Power, Love, and Control to take a stand during the difficult season. Remind yourself of the beauty on the other side that is waiting to be seen.
Author: Crystal