Tears of Joy
Love. Joy. Kindness
About one year ago today, I found myself in the darkness season of life. PTSD, Vicarious Trauma, Depression, and significant martial struggles had me feeling absolutely hopeless.
It was during this time that I was invited to join Walk the Talk Missions on a trip to Ensenada, Mexico. I barely had the energy to get dressed in the morning, but some how I managed to pack my things, and board a plane marking the start of the journey.
In the middle of my own personal tragedy, my heart was open to a world very different from my own.
I was expecting the living conditions. The lack of shelter, the lack of food, the overall low quality of life. It is a quality of life that some face here in the United States and one that I am exposed to daily in my work as a social worker. But even so, the conditions were heartbreaking.
There was one thing that took me by complete surprise.
The Joy.
The pure joy that this community embraced was unexpected.
The joy on a little boy’s face when he received a small matchbox car. Or a little girl a backpack for school. Or an older boy when he received glasses for the first time.
The joy the community had when they wrapped their arms around one another and held each other up. The joy the local pastor had as he spoke of the feeding program. One that feeds the community of kids a few times a week. And the hope that he holds onto that he will soon be able to feed them every day of the week.
The joy that filled my heart during my lowest moments of life.
In two short days, we came along side a single family and built them a home which would change the course of their life forever.
Each board painted, each nail safely secured, and each wall that rose from the ground represented a new beginning. Where there was once a home which was made of cardboard, was now a secure house fully furnished with beds, pillows, blankets, and food.
I walked into Ensenada, Mexico with tears of pain and anguish and left with tears of joy and hope.
The people of Ensenada have very little, but they hold the key to happiness.
Kindness, Love, Community, Hope.
In one month, my husband and I will join my mom and several others on another trip with Walk the Talk Missions. Back to that same community in Ensenada where we will come along side another family and take part in creating security in the form of a new home.
To bring a ray of hope to their world.
There is a contagious joy that comes from tangible hope. To know that this family trusted and hoped that one day their needs would be met. To know that you are the person sent to bring hope, is the purest form of joy.
I encourage you today to think of ways to spread this tangible ray of hope to those around you. Add joy to your life by spreading kindness, love, and community.
Let’s band together as a community of people. Instead of tearing each other down, let’s hold each other up!
Instead of looking the other way and placing blame on those that are suffering, let’s find ways to bring hope. You can’t change the world or even your community on your own, but if each of us do a small part, we can change it together.
Be the hope to someone that may feel hopeless today. Your small act of kindness and love could change the course of their day, and it will certainly change the course of yours.
If you would like to learn more about Walk the Talk Missions, visit their website listed below.